Teaching the Core Competencies in Curriculum as a New Approach toward Facilitating Interdisciplinary Studies

Document Type : Research Paper


The development of information and communication technologies, the growing global trades, and changes in the structure of the global economy cause changes in the structure, content, courses and curricula of higher education. The emerging changes in the world of business have occurred alongside the development of higher education and the emergence of interdisciplinary fields in the universities. But the real issue is how this approach could be used to link and create relationships among the academic disciplines. Therefore, there is a need for using a key concept called "core competencies and skills" as a new approach in the process of preparation and management of the higher education curriculum content. Several studies on this concept have been conducted in recent years in developed countries such as England, America, Australia and Canada which indicates the significance of this concept. Hence, this article reviewed the documentation and comparative study that explained and explored the core competencies in interdisciplinary studies, application of theoretical principles in this field, such as human capital, social capital, functionalism, scientific view of the project (DeSeCo), and human resources.


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