Skills Training Program at Teacher Training University and Professional Development of Teacher Candidates

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Skill Training Program at the Teacher Training University. For this purpose, research has been conducted with a qualitative approach and phenomenological strategy. The study population was 79 primary school teachers who have completed their skills training program at Teacher Training University of Zanjan, Iran. From this population, 14 individuals were selected as participants in the study using purposive sampling. Semi-structured (in-depth) interviews were used to collect data. Interviews with the samples continued until the data saturation stage. Thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data. The validity was investigated using two methods of long-term involvement and seeking colleague opinion. Also, reliability was done using the reviews of the participants. The research findings identified five organizing themes as follows: 1) curricula; 2) professors and their teaching; 3) university programs and policies, 4) skills learners; and 5) cultural and social environment. In general, the results showed that the Skills Training Program at Teacher Training University is not effective enough.


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