Factors to Predicte the Engineering Students' Satisfaction with the Quality of the Differential Equations Curriculum: Factor Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study aims to examine predictors for engineering students' satisfaction from the quality of the differential equations curriculum through a factor analysis. This descriptive-analytic study was conducted in 2014-2015 for students of Engineering at the University of Ahar. At first, a questionnaire was designed in order to study the causes of satisfaction from teaching differential equations. A sample of 316 students who were sekcted through cluster sampling responded to the questionnaire. On the one hand, the reliability of the questionnaire was examined through a test-retest method and the Cronbach's alpha and on the other hand the validity was evaluated by through measuring face, content and construct validity. Exploratory factor analysis resulted in eight factors: modeling, teaching, usefulness, purpose, evaluation, teamwork, interaction and facilities. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that these eight factors, as the strongest fitness model, could prevent the dissatisfaction of students from the quality of the differential equations curriculum. Based on the results of this study, the 27-item questionnaire regarding the predictors of satisfaction from differential equations curriculum enjoyed acceptable validity and reliability and the proposed model could be employed in designing educational programs.


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