A Curriculum Model for Realization of the Fourth-Generation Iranian-Islamic University Mission

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral student of Curriculum Planning, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Bo Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Bo Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Bo Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran


This research has been done with the aim of providing a curriculum model to fulfill the mission of the fourth-generation university with a qualitative approach and basic method. The sample for the study was selected based on the criterion sampling method and based on the rule of reaching the saturation limit in qualitative research, with the presence of 13 experts in the field of higher education curriculum. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. The coding method was used to analyze the data and the validity of the data was determined through the review of the members and the external auditor. The results showed that the philosophical foundations of the curriculum model are Islamic realism, pragmatism, neo-pragmatism and phenomenology, the main theory supporting social reconstruction and selective theories included special competencies, complexity, neo-conceptualism and progressivism. Following these findings, a total of 140 category were extracted for the curriculum elements, CVR was used to determine the validity of the model and its rate was calculated as 93.92 percent. In general, it can be said that in order to revise the curricula in order to answer and address the obvious and hidden problems of the society, presenting a curriculum model based on social responsibility can be a way forward.


Main Subjects

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