Assessing the level of Multicultural literacy of Allameh Tabatabai’ University (ATU) Faculties and Provide Solutions to Improve them

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of the Curriculum of Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Postdoctoral researcher at Tarbiat Modares University


Assessing the level of multicultural literacy of Allameh Tabatabai’ University (ATU) faculties and provide solutions to improve them.
The purpose of this investigation is to assess the multicultural literacy level of Allameh Tabatabai University faculties and provide solutions to improve them.  The statistical population of the study includes all faculties at ATU, there are 538. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size in this investigation and the total number of samples was 224. The present study was conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire, face and content validity and to measure the reliability, Cronbach's alpha method was used. After collecting data, SPSS software was used to classify, summarize and analyze the data.  And according to the nature of the research, descriptive statistical methods; Mean, frequency, percentage, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as one-sample t-test, Mauna test and multivariate analysis of variance were used. The most important findings of this study were: Multicultural literacy of faculties in terms of multicultural attitude, skills and knowledge is at a desirable level. The most important findings of this study were: Multicultural literacy of faculties in terms of multicultural attitude, skills and knowledge is at a desirable level. The first and most important suggestion of professors to promote multicultural literacy is in fact respect for Iranian cultures without any hierarchy and also the least importance is; Hearing the voices of all cultures in the programs.


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