Challenges of Determining the Quality of French Learning in the Iranian Higher Education System

Document Type : Research Paper



This article examines the current status of teachers, students, and teaching resources of French language, and the impact of educational environment of this field in Iran, and seeks to find "the challenges of determining the quality of French learning in Iran", the quality of "French language learning conditions in Iran", and "the interaction of French learning factors". Therefore, this quantitative-qualitative research is based on student admission statistics and descriptive survey method. A total of 50 students from "Science and Research", and "Shahid Beheshti" universities, answered research the questionnaires. The teaching resources, professors, motivation for learning, and teaching methods (especially reflets) were examined. 50 teachers answered questions about the problems of teaching French language, literature and translation. Research findings indicated that due to inappropriate student recruitment regarding human resources, teaching resources, and teaching environment there are challenges that consequently lead to the inappropriate interaction of teaching factors and negative learning quality.


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