The Scope of the Work values: A Platform for Educators in Higher Education

Document Type : Research Paper



Cultural and scientific institutions have defined and considered specific rights and duties for educators and students. One of the duties mentioned for the educators is creating the conditions for preparing the learners for the emerging situations. Education is a multifaceted mission since training the learners from the moral, emotional, cognitive, social, behavioral and vocational dimensions is an increasingly complex process that requires the employment of a set of competencies. Homogeneous integration of knowledge, skills, and beliefs could prepare the educators for facing this process. In addition, the reality of the traditional or virtual educational contexts is far beyond the physical factors or the quantitative relationships among them. In fact, it is a conceptual construct which is affected by the interactions among belief systems, cognitive, emotional, and socio-cultural factors in the context. Hence, the present study aims to explore and explain the components of work and profession values with regard to the educational-moral role of the educators. This study was conducted through an exploratory qualitative method. The data were gathered through interviews with 36 faculty members (scientific experts) from humanities, science, medicine, and engineering.The obtained data were analyzed through analytic induction. The results confirmed the comprehensive and integrated nature of education and indicated that the profession values integrate with other values to affects the educational contexts. The findings revealed personality, communication, recognition, motivation, beliefs and support as the components of work values. These components could be applied as criteria for employment, empowerment, evaluation, and retention of faculty members in higher education.


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