The Role of Learning Approach and Course Experience in Prediction of Academic Achievement among University Students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Gilan University, Iran

2 Master of General Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Students' academic achievement at universities has always been a very prominent issue so that it has attracted the focus of many studies. Meanwhile, the learning approach and course experience could affect and determine academic achievement. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the role of learning approach and course experience in prediction of academic achievement among university students. The design of the present study is the descriptive with the correlational method. The statistical population of this study consisted of all students of faculty of Literature and Humanities of Guilan University (Iran) in the academic year of 2017-2018. From this population, 230 students were selected by convenience sampling method and responded to the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (Waugh, 1999), the Course Experience Questionnaire (Ramsden, 1991), and the Academic Achievement Inventory. In the end, the data were analyzed by 24 version of SPSS software, using Pearson correlation and enter multiple regression. According to the results, learning approaches and course experience are correlated with students' academic achievement (P < 0.001) and can predict 57.6% of variances of academic achievement (P < 0.001). Given the importance of learning approach and course experience in relation to academic achievement of university students, it is recommended to provide interventions to employ more effective learning approaches in university students and also to improve the quality of educational courses in educational settings.


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