A Pattern for Structuring the Interdisciplinary Approach in Basic Sciences at Universities with an Emphasis on Sustainable National Development: A Fundamental Data Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Planning in Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran

2 tehran-shahid beheshti university-education departman

3 tehran.allameh university-education allameh

4 Associate Professor of Curriculum Development Faculty of Shahid Beheshti University


The purpose of this study is to design a model for reforming the structure of the interdisciplinary approach in the field of basic science at the university level, emphasizing the sustainability of national development. The research method was derived from grounded Theory for explaining and analyzing findings from exploratory interviews. The study population was the professors of basic sciences and professors who were well-known in this field. The sampling method was a combination of purposeful sampling and snowball. The research tool included an open source interview. In the data analysis phase, the content analysis and counts of the themes were employed in open, axial and selective coding stages.Referring to the literature and exploration, reform of the structure of science education as a pivotal phenomenon, evolution of the role of universities, fundamental goals, formulation of programs, respectively as caustic condition, underlying conditions, conditions of intervention and policy in the processes and structure and management requirements were identified as a strategy. The findings indicated that the outcome of reform of the structure is achieving a convergence of science and technology. Therefore, the adoption of special policies with emphasis on national development in universities and related institutions and special attention to interdisciplinary research, along with its requirements could facilitate reforming the structure.


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